KL User Visits 

Keep track of your users logins to site & administration
- created: 02/12/2016
- latest update: 01/02/2017
KL User Visits is a simple yet very useful Joomla! system plugin that stores and shows how many times your users have been logged in.
Table of Contents
1. What is KL User Visits?
Have you ever been wondering how many times your users have been logged in?
Well, we have and that's what this plugin is for.
KL User Visits plugin is ideal to keep track of how many times your users have been logged in. It will store and show users logins made to site & administration.
2. Requirements
Joomla! 3.4
To work properly, you need at least to have Joomla! 3.4 installed, but it is highly recommended to use an updated version of Joomla!.
3. Installation
Download the latest KL User Visits package and install it as you would any regular Joomla! extension.
- Log into your Joomla! administration
- In the menu, choose: Extensions >> Extension Manager
- Under 'Upload Package File' select the extension zip
- Click on 'Upload & Install'
When the plugin has been uploaded and installed successfully, you will see a confirmation message and you are done.
NoteBy default plugins are not enabled, so don't forget to enable it.
WarningWhen updating KL User Visits plugin you MUST NOT uninstall it before installing the new version! When you uninstall KL User Visits plugin you will lose all users visits information. Instead, simply install the new version on top of the old one. The package will update all the files automatically.
4. Updates
KL User Visits plugin can be updated in two different ways:
Manually updating:
Download the latest KL User Visits package, and install it as you would any regular Joomla! extension. See Installation.
Using the standard Joomla! update manager to notify you about updates:
First, KL User Visits plugin needs you to set up the Download ID before you can install the updates through this method. You can find your main Download ID or create additional Download IDs under 'My Dashboard' on our website after logging in. Then, go to KL User Visits plugin and paste your Download ID in the appropriate field. Finally, click on 'Save & Close'.
Now, all you need to do is to go to Extensions >> Extension Manager >> Update in your Joomla! backend. If you do not see the updates try clicking on the 'Find Updates' button in the toolbar. If a new version of the plugin is available you will be able to update by selecting it and clicking on the 'Update' button.
You need to have an active subscription in order to update, if not, you will see the updates but you will NOT be able to install them. Instead, you will see an error message telling you about a 403 or 404 error received when trying to update.
NoteAccess to Download ID field is only available to members of Super Users group. So, members of another user group will be prompted with the message:
You are not authorised to view this resource.
5. Language Packs
All versions of KL User Visits are released in English but other language packs are available.
The installation process is easy, just download the desired language pack and install it as you would any regular Joomla! extension.
Available language packs:
Didn't you find the language pack you want to use with KL User Visits?
Ask us how to contribute. You won't regret.
6. Settings
To start tracking your users logins, all you have to do is to enable KL User Visits plugin. Doing so, the KL User Visits plugin will start storing all successful logins.
No additional settings are needed. Simple as that.
7. Viewing Users Visits
You already enabled KL User Visits plugin, but where you will be able to track the users visits?
A new sortable column 'Visits' will be automatically added to users list (com_users view) with total logins. When you hover over one user visits, details will appear showing about site & administration logins.
As mentioned before, this new column is sortable, meaning that you may sort the results by user visits.
Also, a new 'Visits' tab inside user profile (com_users edit view) will show details about site & administration logins.
8. Resetting Users Visits
We make it easier for you, just one click needed!
You can reset all users visits just in one click directly from the KL User Visits plugin. Just go to the plugin administration and hit the 'Reset Visits' button available in the plugin toolbar.
Magic is done and all users visits are reset.
WarningThis is a non-reversible operation and you will be prompted to confirm it.
What if you just want to reset a single user visits?
Do not worry, it is also simple.
When you don't want to reset all users visits, but only a specific user visits, just edit that user profile (com_users edit view) and go to 'Visits' tab. An info box will also open with a 'Reset Visits' button. Pressing it will reset that user visits.
NoteThis info box will be available only when a user have visits. Otherwise, won't be shown.
WarningThis is a non-reversible operation and you will be prompted to confirm it.
9. Changelog
These changelog list details about updates to KL User Visits.
9.1. KL User Visits for Joomla! 3.x 
Version 3.1.0 (01/02/2017)
Added Track user last visit date made to site & administration
Version 3.0.0 (02/12/2016)
First release for Joomla! 3.x
10. Acknowledgment
We would like to thank all who somehow participate in the development of KL User Visits.
Mátyás Timár with Hungarian translation
11. What Else?
We like to improve our extensions wherever we can and appreciate your feedback.
If you like this extension, please help us making it even better by writing your review on Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED).
Nevertheless, if you have any questions about this product please feel free for asking here.
We keep it simple, but we make it special!
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